Projectile motion lab report pdf

Projectile motion lab report free download as pdf file. An analysis of projectile motion projectile motion lab report. Projectile motion angle vs distance projectile motion. Using the equations of motion to figure out things about falling objects.

In a projectile motion, the only acceleration acting is in the vertical direction which is acceleration due to gravity g. Throughout this experiment, we will be utilizing the graphs, tables, digits, and calculator features to explore the acceleration due to gravity. The maximum height of the projectile above the launching position. Projectile motion in this lab we will study two dimensional projectile motion of an object in free fall that is, an object that is launched into the air and then moves under the in uence of gravity alone. This lab involves a twodimensional projectile motion problem. To measure projectile motion, i would create an experiment that utilized a ball. Motion in two dimensions 2d, projectile motion, kinematic equations.

Projectile motion geogebra cart on a ramp cart on a ramp honors physical world concepts. This experiment involves the study of motion using a ccd video camera in which a sequence of video frames a movie is recorded onto computer disk and subsequently analyzed with computer programs. Equipment projectile launcher and plastic ball measuring tape stopwatch task your experiment should be designed to investigate. Pdf an experiment on projectile motion researchgate. The purpose of this lab is to investigate the relationships among the initial velocity, time of flight and distance traveled for an object in projectile motion. Physics projectile motion lab report professional custom writing.

The purpose of this lab is to study projectile motion of an object which is launched horizontally and drops a certain height before it hits the ground. Kinematic equations can be used to describe the components of projectile motion. Projectile motion s4p115 solve simple freefall problems using the special equations for constant acceleration. Report any problems or suggest improvements to your ta. Projectile motion part 5 video transcript in the last video, i said that we started off with the change in distance, so we said that we know the change in distance. State the famous range equation for projectile motion and clearly explain the special. We will therefore need to be comfortable using vectors and their x and y. In this exercise you will be asked to first predict the motion of a ball, and then perform a test to see if your predictions match the results. The physics of catapult projectile motion qty item description 1 catapult with locking pin 1 clamp for attaching catapult to table 1 ping pong ball 1 light plastic ball with holes 3 rubber band, 3 x 18 summary prerequisites this project requires a basic understanding of algebra, trigonometry sine and cosine. Projectile motion only occurs when there is one force applied at the beginning on the trajectory, after which the only interference is from gravity. Observations to infer conclusions critical thinking, and communicate these. This curved path was shown by galileo to be a parabola. In particular the relationship between the horizontal and vertical motions of objects launched horizontally from different heights. The purpose of this lab is to explore projectile motion.

A particle moving in a vertical plane with an initial velocity and experiencing a freefall downward acceleration, displays projectile motion. Physics 106141 projectile motion air table lab introduction in this experiment you will be studying twodimensional motion. Phys 1030 general physics i lab projectile motion in this lab you will perform an experiment to understand and analyze the motion of a projectile. Objective to measure the initial velocity of a projectile when. Task 1 mass of the projectile you will use a simple balance to measure the mass of your projectile. For a given initial velocity, the projectile range will be measured for various initial angles, and also. Neatly write your lab report i think this is the slowest way. We know that projectile motion is a type of twodimensional motion or motion in a plane. Projectile motion occurs when an object in a two dimensional plane experiences motion only due to gravity. Im not going to do a bunch of projectile motion problems, and this is because i think you learn more just seeing someone do it, and thinking out loud, than all the formulas. The total time that your projectile spent in t he air.

Physics projectile motion lab report the oscillation band. In this case, the kinematics equations give the results for the. I n t r o d u c t i o n in the current unit, u nit 2. For a given initial velocity, the projectile range will be measured for various initial angles. An analysis of projectile motion projectile motion lab report phy 302k. M u r z a k u n o v e m b e r 1 1 t h, 2 0 1 1 yadesh prashad, timothy yang, saad saleem, mai wageh, thanoja gnanatheevam. In this lab measurements will be taken to determine the initial velocity of objects experiencing projectile motion. Projectile motion part 2 our mission is to provide.

To vary the velocity of the projectile, the ball was released from ve di erent positions. Once it is moving through the air, its path is dictated by its initial velocity, and gravity. Part 1 preliminary measurements tasks 1, 2, and 3 can be done at the same time by different members of your group. A projectile is any object that is given an initial velocity. The study of such motions is called ballistics, and such a trajectory. Equation 1 predicts the x coordinate in terms of the parameter t, equation 2 predicts the y coordinate in terms of the parameter, t. Theoretical projectile motion and our actual experiences in the lab. You will compare theoretical calculations with real experiments, and will obtain experimental. View lab report lab assignment projectile motion from phy 01 at keystone national high school.

The data obtained via the experiment is contained in appendix a at the end of the report for verification. To predict and measure the range of a projectile when the projectile is. Study of selfexcited aquatic propulsion mechanism 1st report, theory, design and experimental veri. Projectile motion is a form of motion experienced by an object or particle a projectile that is thrown near the earths surface and moves along a curved path under the action of gravity only in particular, the effects of air resistance are assumed to be negligible. This 2d motion, called projectile motion, consists of a ball projected with an initial velocity in the earths gravitational field. Projectile motion lab report conclusion the writing center. The purpose of this lab is to study the properties of projectile motion. International baccalaureate physics projectile motion lab report carolina bravo schott a038906 leonardo brown. Of the lab report and enter the results in the results part of the table. Experiment 2 free fall and projectile motion objectives learn how to solve projectile motion problems. General learning utcome connection students will recognize that characteristics of materials and systems can remain. For example circular motion, projectile motion, etc. Ucla physics projectile motion that we used to write a lab physics ap physics i.

Pdf projectile motion ib physics sl lab report leonardo brown. Projectile motion motion in two dimension 1212014 ib physics ic nl 2 3. Lab assignment projectile motion introduction to measure. Free fall and projectile motion pdf free download honors physics projectile motion lab measuring g youtube general physics lab. Pasco spring gun, projectile yellow plastic ball, plumb bob, meter stick. Pdf file report guidelines project handoutsresources battering ram. Develop mathematical models involving linear, power, andor inverse relationships among variables. Projectile is defined as, any body thrown with some initial velocity, which is then allowed to move under the action of gravity alone, without being propelled by any engine or fuel. The velocity of your projectile at the moment that it struck your paper target. Notice that equations 1 and 2 have a common variable, t.

Projectile motion, the reference point will be made of an origin and the two coordinate axes x and y. Understand that the horizontal motion and the vertical motion are decoupled. Projectile motion so far you have focused on motion in one dimension. Whereas the vertical motion y axis motion is under the effect of gravitational acceleration, the horizontal motion x axis motion is no under any acceleration motion. Objective the objective of this experiment is to study projectile motion.

Projectile motion lab determine the initial velocity of a ball launched horizontally predict and verify. Describe and sketch the trajectory of projectile motion as parabolic in the absence of air resistance. It is only under the effect of the x axis component of the velocity which is a constant speed. As you learned in class, motion in 2d can be separated into 2 onedimensional problems. Understand that the acceleration due to gravity is constant 9. Projectile lab student you will shoot a projectile across the room using a rubber band and calculate how far it flies. You must wear your safety goggles at all times during this experiment. Projectile motion lab determine the initial velocity of a. Topic objectives state the independence of the vertical and the horizontal components of velocity for a projectile in a uniform field. Physics 1050 experiment 4 introduction projectile motion is the special case of twodimensional motion experienced by objects only under the influence of gravity. We launched a ball with a projectile launcher with dierent initial velocities and angles, and when the ball passes the photogate and lands on the impulse sensor pad, it records the time spend for the. Open the projectile motion loggerpro file in the 4a lab 4 folder. The path that the object follows is called its trajectory. Some examples of projectile motion are the motion of a ball after being.

Doc projectile motion lab report ana ortega academia. The purpose of this lab was to measure the properties of projectile motion. Failure to do so will find you expelled from the lab room. Capstone is a software that is used to collect, analyze, and manipulate data from experiments. In this experiment, an object in motion is illuminated. Examples of projectiles include rockets, baseballs, reworks, and the steel balls that will be used in this lab. Projectile motion goals to determine the launch speed of a projectile and its uncertainty by measuring how far it travels horizontally before landing on the. Write a descriptive title with your name, names of partners, date performed and ta name. Projectile motion refers to the method used for calculating the trajectory of a projectile which can be pretty much any. Projectile motion lab determine the initial velocity of. To apply the laws of physics and the equations for projectile motion to design a. Equations of motion, therefore, can be applied separately in xaxis and yaxis to find the unknown parameters some examples of projectile motion are football, a baseball. Paircoil2 submit sequences to paircoil2 view supplementary data download paircoil2. Projectile motion to make it is a firsthand investigation, we are even a lab report 36.

A full report and diagrams plus analysis of projectile motion experiment, includes answers. To physically make your lab report, you have several options. It is assumed that the only force acting on a projectile the object experiencing projectile motion is the force due to gravity. You will have to derive it before arriving to lab and the derivation must be included in the lab report. Lab 3, experimentation is performed to study the characteristics of projectile motion. Projectile motion projectile motion is a special case of twodimensional motion. To understand the motion of a projectile in the earths gravitational field and measure the muzzle velocity of the projectile as it leaves the end of the spring gun.

Projectile motion is a form of motion where an object moves in a bilaterally symmetrical, parabolic path. Projectile motion the purpose of this lab is to study the properties of projectile motion. The initial velocity or muzzle velocity the range for horizontal projection the range for projectiles launched at an angle lab report. Motion in a plane is also referred to as a motion in two dimensions. The physics of catapult projectile motion qty item description 1 catapult with locking pin. It is necessary to first determine the initial velocity of the ball when launched from the springloaded gun. The path followed by a projectile is called its trajectory. To complete the experiment, we will be using a handy tool called capstone. In this experiment, you will learn how to create your own projectile motion experiment in order to calculate initial velocity of a horizontally launched projectile and the distance traveled. Use microsoft word or some other word processor to type up your lab report. Projectile refers to an object that is in flight after being thrown or projected. In this lab, you will study motion in two dimensions.

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